
Legal Notice and Privacy Policy

This website is owned by PATRIMONY REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT, S.L., hereinafter referred to as PATRIMONY, and is purely for information on the consultancy services provided by our company. The fact of accessing this page implies the knowledge and acceptance of the following terms and conditions of use. In compliance with the legal provisions established in Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), the following information is provided:


The domain name, is registered in favour of PATRIMONY REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT, S.L., with CIF B65270910 and registered office in Rambla de Cataluña, 6, 6th Floor, 08007 Barcelona, telephone +34 93 368 94 21 and e-mail address:


The website is owned by PATRIMONY REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT, S.L., as well as all the intellectual property rights of the content of this website, texts, source code, logos, distribution, databases, graphic design, the exclusive exercise of the exploitation rights of the latter. As well as, all intellectual and industrial property rights and any other distinctive signs, belong to PATRIMONY, or, if applicable, to the persons or companies that appear as authors or owners of the rights and that have authorized its use to PATRIMONY. Its reproduction, distribution, public communication or modification, total or partial, without prior express authorization of PATRIMONY is prohibited. Likewise, all distinctive signs, trademarks, trade names or signs of any kind contained in this website are protected by law.


When the user provides their personal data using our email address and contact form, is expressly authorizing PATRIMONY to the processing of their Personal Data in order to meet their requests for services. PATRIMONY, will include the data provided by the user in a file of its ownership that will have all the necessary security measures and required by the current regulations on Data Protection. PATRIMONY will not transfer or communicate to third parties the data collected without the user’s prior express consent, except in the event that the communication is necessary to provide the service that the user has requested us.

Users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by contacting PATRIMONY at the email address, File Manager located at Rambla de Cataluña, 6, 6th Floor, 08007 Barcelona.


PATRIMONY is not responsible for the misuse of the contents of its website, being the exclusive responsibility of the person who accesses or uses them. Neither assumes any responsibility for the information contained in the websites of third parties that can be accessed through links from the website The presence of these links has an informative purpose, and do not constitute in any case an invitation to the contracting of products or services that can be offered on the destination website. In the event that PATRIMONY has actual knowledge that the activity or information to which these links refer is unlawful as a criminal offence or that it may damage the property or rights of third parties liable to compensation, act with the necessary diligence to remove or disable the relevant link as soon as possible. In any case, if a third party is interested in posting as a link from its website to you will need prior authorization from PATRIMONY.


PATRIMONY reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in its website, and its configuration or presentation, at any time, without prior notice and without assuming any responsibility to do so. PATRIMONY does not assume any responsibility for technical problems or failures in computer equipment, which occur during the Internet connection, or which may be caused by third parties through unlawful interference outside its control.

From PATRIMONY, the absence of viruses and other elements that can cause damage to computer systems, electronic documents or user files on this website or third-party websites is not guaranteed, and it is not responsible for the damage that can be caused for these reasons. Similarly, no liability is made for possible damages, which may affect the user because of errors, defects or omissions in the information it provides when it comes from third sources.